There is an invisible rhythm flowing beneath our feet and above our heads. Mr. Naito, whom I met in Sanakawachi, said, "It is good to water the crops before 10:00 a.m., before the sun gets strong. It is good to water the crops before the sun gets strong. He must have seen the rhythm. He must have seen the rhythm.
Also, the beautiful starry sky that I looked up at during one of my nights alone in Sanakawachi. Hearing and seeing it, I was reminded of its great rhythm. To cherish the invisible rhythm. I feel that this is at the root of the way of life here.
To create "another everyday life" in the community. To do this, I decided to turn my attention to the world's most famous "other" rhythm.
The moon, though not as bold as the sun, has a strong influence on our daily lives. Especially in the growth of crops and in our bodies.
Another dining table, another starry sky that appears according to the rhythm of the moon. This is the custom of loving the crops and stars we encounter in this village along with the moon.
A village that celebrates the invisible rhythms by feeling them and giving them form. I wish there were such a village somewhere.
私たちの足下や頭の上には、目に見えないリズムが流れている。佐那河内で出会った内藤さんの「作物に水をあげるのは午前10 時まえがいい。太陽の力が強くなる前にあげるといい。」という言葉。きっとリズムが見えている。
Full Moon Dining is a project that transforms village houses into "another dining table" on a full moon evening. A fictional restaurant is opened by the villagers in a house in a village. Villagers, migrants, and people from outside the village meet and taste the changing seasons with the full moon at a "special table". Like the full moon, when the moon, sun, and earth meet and overlap, 《Full Moon Dining》 re-creates the custom of celebrating around the "rhythm of the moon" in our daily lives spent in the "rhythm of the sun.
満月の夜に村の家を「もう一つの食卓」に変身させるプロジェクト。村の一軒家に村人たちが開いた架空のレストラン。村人や移住者、村外の人々が出会い、満月とともに移り変わる季節を「特別な食卓」で味わう。《フルムーンダイニング》は、 月と太陽と大地が出会い、重なり合う「満月」のように、「太陽のリズム」の中で過ごす日常の中に、「月のリズム」を中心とした祝いの習慣を再創造していく。